- Wives, Submit to Your Husbands!
- The New Covenant Radically Changed the Status of Women
- Luke’s Gospel, the Gospel for Women
- God Raises Up Deborah to Lead His People
- The Proverbs 31 Woman
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Wives, Submit to Your Husbands!
Read more: Wives, Submit to Your Husbands!Wives are taught and expected to submit to their husbands, based upon what Paul says in Ephesians 5. But, does this word “submit” imply the submission of a subordinate to the one over her? What kind of submission…
The New Covenant Radically Changed the Status of Women
Read more: The New Covenant Radically Changed the Status of WomenThe New Covenant had a profound effect on the status of women. Women are no longer daughters of Eve any more than men are sons of Adam. We are all in Christ and have access to the full…
Luke’s Gospel, the Gospel for Women
Read more: Luke’s Gospel, the Gospel for WomenLuke’s gospel stands out from the others because of his frequent representation of women. He highlights and elevates women in a way that does not compromise the message of the gospel but is an expression that men and…

Tamar: Canaanite Outcast or Righteous Ezer
October 25, 2023No Comments
In Genesis 38, we read the story of Tamar. Joseph’s brother Judah defies God’s law and marries a Canaanite women named Shua, who gives him three sons, Er, Onan, and Shelah. Judah arranges a marriage between his oldest son and another Canaanite woman, Tamar. Because of his wickedness, Er dies. According to Levirate law, Onan marries Tamar to produce a son for Judah. But though he goes in to Tamar, he defrauds her by spilling his semen on the ground. His wickedness also leads to his death. Judah claims his youngest son, Shelah, is too young to marry so Tamar…

Ezer Kenegdo: Subordinate helper or powerful assistant?
February 27, 2023No Comments
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Gen. 2:18, NIV For nearly all of world history, both societal and church, women were viewed as inferior beings created to serve men. Until the last quarter of the 21st century the church language concerning the genders was that of male superiority and female inferiority when it was changed to “equal but different roles.” Much of that concept of women is due to this one verse: women were created to be a helper suitable to the man. It…

Biblical support for Christian Egalitarianism: Equality in Eden
February 3, 2023No Comments
A healthy biblical theology about gender, and the role of women in specific, must begin at creation. It is in the story of creation where we develop an understanding of the purpose of mankind and genders. Those who would support a hierarchy of the genders point to the creation order as support for their position. God created man first, therefore God designed men to be the leaders. They refer to Paul’s letters to Timothy and the Corinthians to reinforce this view: man was created first, therefore he has authority over the woman, and woman was taken out of man, therefore…