Biblical “proof” for a punitive or appeasement aspect to atonement?

John Calvin, and Anselm before him, and every theologian since, have made sincere efforts to understand what the Bible is saying. And just like everyone of us, they were influenced by their own culture and preexisting paradigms. Those lenses affected the way they understood Scripture. Then their theories have influenced …

The atonement…no wrath, no appeasement, no punishment

Christ’s death on the cross that atoned for our sins didn’t happen in a vacuum…it wasn’t an isolated event that was devoid of any historical contextual connection. It meant something to the people of the day. It was foreshadowed…they knew what they were seeing because of their history. There are …

Atonement…at-one-ment…is the means to bring to estranged parties back into relationship with one another…for two to become one again. Historically there have been 3 views of the atonement. While the early church had no formal doctrine of the atonement, there is a consensus of the view held by the church …