About Me

I am happily married to a wonderful man, Willard…or, Butch as many call him. He is my strongest supporter and has celebrated the unveiling of the real me throughout our years together. We have ten children, 7 boys and 3 girls…and 5 daughters-in-law and 3 sons-in-law…and 19 grandchildren so far. All of our children were homeschooled from Kindergarten to high school graduation.

My spiritual walk began in 1973 when, at 8 years old, I gave my heart to Jesus. I’ve lived my entire life in a relationship with Him. For most of that time, I flirted with Deism because, as a person who lived mostly in her brain, I didn’t feel Him or His presence and had trouble hearing His voice. I believed that He may be intimately involved with the lives of some…but not me. An encounter with Him during a Sozo session, radically changed my life. I came face to face with His love.

I am very left-brained, logical and analytical….an ENTP on the Myers-Briggs, a very high DI on the DISC, and an Enneagram 8w7. These aspects to my person left me feeling different, not very ladylike. Combined with some childhood trauma and typical teenage drama, I spent most of my life believing that God made His first mistake making me female. I lived in a whack-a-mole in which I felt like had to squeeze myself into an ill-fitting box marked “Biblical Femininity,” but parts of me kept popping out no matter how hard I tried to stay in the box . When I was free of that box…and learned to appreciate the aspects of my personality that I thought were too masculine…it was so refreshing and empowering!

My journey to discovering the real me…embracing the real me…has fueled my desire to see others be set free from lies about who they are and who God is, and to embrace who God created them to be, so they can be empowered to live the life He longs for them to live.


A few interesting--or not so interesting--tidbits about me