What then will you do with this Holy Spirit?

About 2,000 years ago, a crowd of Jews were asked a question,

“What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” Matt. 27:22

Incited by their religious leaders they screamed out in answer, “Crucify Him!”

These are the scribes and Pharisees. These are the ones who knew the Scripture inside and out…every jot and tittle. They knew it like the back of their hands. Yet, they missed Him!! Why? Because He didn’t fit with their interpretation. In their minds, He did things the Messiah would never do? They even said what He did was of the devil! He simply didn’t fit into the box they had created.

His most grievous crime, the one for which He was killed? He healed people on the Sabbath! Time after time, they cared little for those receiving healing. They were only concerned that He did it on the Sabbath. There are also numerous times that it seemed He intended to provoke the Pharisees. One time, his disciples picked a few heads of grain to munch on during their walk…right in front of the Pharisees.

 I could imagine a few followers taking Jesus aside and imploring Him to stop doing these things that bothered the Pharisees….at least not in front of them. “Couldn’t you have waited until evening to heal that man’s hand?” “You should’ve asked your disciples to wait until they were out of sight of the Pharisees before they grabbed those kernels of wheat.” “Jesus, if we could stop provoking them, we might convince them who You are. Can’t you just try?”

Jesus wasn’t too interested in limiting Himself to their interpretation. He never stopped doing things that, to them, violated the law. He wasn’t about to verify His authenticity to those who were skeptical. In reality, Jesus never violated the law…..only the narrow interpretation of the law held by some.

Our generation is being asked another question,

“What then will you do with this Holy Spirit, which is the gift of Jesus?”

Will we be incited by others to reject Him and crucify those who embrace Him? There are many who seem to know the Scriptures inside and out….every jot and tittle…..like the back of their hands. But, they will miss Him? Why? Because it doesn’t fit with their interpretation. He does things God would never do. He simply doesn’t fit into the box they have created. They even say what He is doing is of the devil!

I can imagine some imploring others to stop doing things that bother others……at least not in front of them. “Couldn’t you just wait until you were in your own home to worship like that?” “Do you really think God is behind things that are distracting to others?” “How can we make people more comfortable with this?”

And, like Jesus, the Holy Spirit doesn’t seem too interested in limiting Himself to our interpretation. He doesn’t stop doing things that, to many, violate the Word. And, He’s not really into verifying His authenticity to those who are skeptical. In reality,  the Holy Spirit doesn’t violate the Word…..only the narrow interpretation of the Word held by some.

The Jew of Jesus’ day rejected Him because He didn’t fit the image they had in mind. Many of today’s believers reject the Holy Spirit because He doesn’t fit the image they have in mind. When you consider that the Holy Spirit is just as much God as Jesus is, how is our rejection of Him any different than the Jews’ rejection of Jesus? The only difference I can see is that you can reject the Holy Spirit and still be saved…..you just won’t have the power Jesus meant for you to have.

One Comment

  1. Preach it sister! Amen.

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