To obey or not obey…that is the question

I woke up this morning with a thought on my mind. Whether or not that thought can be conveyed is yet to be determined, but we shall see…..

The thought had to do with the verbs used in 2 different verses and how that differs dramatically from the verbs we use when applying those 2 verses.

“[Jesus] order them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, ‘you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.'” Acts 1:4-5

The word ‘wait’ is means simply to wait for an event. The word brings with it none of the emotion associated with other Greek words translated “wait”. It is somewhat a passive verb, involving little emotion or effort on our part. I realize that during this time, the disciples did engage in various things, mainly prayer, but also deciding who would take Judas’ place among them. But, the verb itself does not speak of activity, but simply waiting. Numerous times during their conversations with Jesus, the disciples’ were told of the coming Holy Spirit. They knew that He would come after Christ left. So, they waited.

Now, take a look at another verse pertaining to the Holy Spirit and its verb:

“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” 1 Cor. 14:1

“So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy…” 1 Cor. 14:39a

The word “desire” means to have a zeal for, to covet. In fact, in verse 39, the KJV translates the word as “covet” rather than desire. We see here in these 2 verses a strong verb connected with a strong adverb. Unlike ‘wait’, both are full of an emotion of straining for, yearning. There is no room in this verb for hesitancy, skepticism and fear. Incidentally, the same word is used in James 4:2:

 “You desire and do not have. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.”

God is telling us in the one to not covet certain things, but uses the exact same word to tell us how we should covet His spiritual gifts!

When we approach the topic of the Holy Spirit, practically speaking, we use the same word, “wait” in both places. We wait for the Holy Spirit. And, we wait for His gifts. If He wants to give them to us, He will. We expect Him to drop them in our laps! But, He tells us to earnestly desire them….to covet them! This involves more than a passive waiting for it to happen. We must engage our heart, mind and soul in pursuing those gifts. We need to go where they are in operation; seek out those who have the gift; learn how to operate within that gifting; and receive it through the laying on of hands(someone who has the gift); then fan into flame the gift we have received.

But, a problem arises when one attempts to do just that. They are cautioned against pursuing the gifts! In essence, we are discouraged from obeying this verse!! Obedience is an oft-emphasized concept in many churches, mine included. But, obedience to this particular passage is greeted with such skepticism, fear, and caution that it’s almost shocking. To emphasize obedience, but then foster an attitude of disobedience-or at least discourage full obedience-to a particular verse that doesn’t fit with one’s experience is wrong.

Furthermore, when we refuse to covet these gifts because of fear, we are betraying the fact that we have far more confidence in our own ability to fulfill what God desires without His gifts than in His ability to keep us from abusing those gifts. When we get to the point that we know without a doubt that we are completely useless without His gifts-His supernatural gifts-we are at the cusp of earnestly desiring them. When we fully realize our inadequacy and impotence without the Holy Spirit’s power, we will then beg Him for His gifts because they are the only means to fulfilling what God has in mind for us to do.

At first, I was hesitant to say I was really desiring certain gifts: prophecy, healing and discerning of spirits. But, I’m not anymore. I’m no more hesitant to say I strongly desire these gifts than to say I strongly desire to love my enemy or forgive others. Both are what God wants me to do…He tells me to do. In earnestly desiring the spiritual gifts, I am obeying my Lord and Master.

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