Preference?? Really???

I’ve been involved in and overheard several conversations in the last months about differing desires of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. It would seem that most would agree that it’s preference. Not too long ago, I thought that if it’s preference, maybe it is best for one to move to a church that more closely matches their preference. But, more recently I began wondering if it really is preference. And, if it is preference, is that acceptable?

I understand that some are not comfortable with emotional worship, people being slain in the Spirit, and speaking in tongues.  If these are-and they should be-manifestations of the Holy Spirit though, can one control how He manifests Himself? If I-or anyone else-asks the Holy Spirit to descend, is it my responsibility how He manifests Himself? Is it even in my control? No! I cannot dictate-or at least, should not dictate-how He shows up. I, for one, do not want to limit His Presence or power. So, the question really is, do you want the Holy Spirit manifested? If so, do you really want to control how that is done? And, how do you do that? Any time we attempt to control the Holy Spirit, are we not in danger of quenching Him?

Can one really read the book of Acts and sincerely prefer to never experience that in their own church? Is it really preference that keeps one from actively pursuing the gifts the Holy Spirit has for us? Remember what these gifts are. Healing-who is not desirous of healing? Prophecy-how can one prefer to not be encouraged with the Lord’s words to them personally? Knowledge, wisdom, faith-preference tells one to say, “No thanks.” to these gifts? Do people really prefer to live their Christian lives and fulfill what God has for them without these gifts? I’ve never met a person who, when seeing someone newly diagnosed with a disease, prefers not to have the gift of healing. I doubt there is a soul alive who has been glad of their lack of discernment in all the relationships they encounter. I cannot imagine being in a service when someone gives a word of knowledge and through that word someone is miraculously healed and honestly say, “I really don’t prefer that. I prefer my life just like it is. I prefer to not be used by God in that manner.”

After seeing someone transformed by God’s power and developing an intimate relationship with Him, can a person really prefer to not experience that? When witnessing a person filled with an unquenchable thirst for more of God, does anyone prefer to not have that kind of thirst? Is there any person on earth who, after seeing a loving, intimate marital relationship, prefer to never have that? I’ve never heard of that. So, I can’t imagine that being one’s preference in their relationship with God.

Is it honest preference that allows one to adhere tenaciously to some scriptures while ignoring others found on the same page-even in the same chapter? And not just ignoring, but discouraging obedience to one scripture, but the verse before is held up as an example for all to follow. Want an example of this? Look at 1 Corinthians:

1 Cor 11 is to be obeyed literally, or was until recently. It’s one of the things our denominations is well known for. The 1st half of 1 Cor 12 is rarely taught, but the 2nd half is often talked about…..well, except the last verse. It should not be obeyed, or if it is, use extreme caution. Then, 1 Cor 13 is emphasized and it should be. But, the very next chapter, 1 Cor 14 is ignored….well…..except for the last verse. That’s the verse that is the rallying cry of those who want an orderly, controlled service. Really….is this preference? To pick and choose so delicately those scriptures we prefer to teach, adhere to and those we caution against or ignore? We read one verse and believe we must obey it despite what we feel, but to do that very thing in obedience to another verse is deemed hypocritical….all because of our preference?

 Is it preference that causes one to encourage another to pursue all they can in God but not join in the journey? How does one prefer to watch others go deeper in their relationship with God and not join them? Is it preference that forces those who desire a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit to go outside their own church? Whose preference? Do people really not prefer a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit? And, if all prefer it, why the need to go elsewhere?

Preference? Or…..maybe…..could it be….fear? Fear of appearing foolish. Fear of relinquishing control…..of our hearts…..of our lives……of our services…..of our ministries. Fear of being misunderstood. Fear of losing friends. Fear of conflict. Fear of discomfort. Fear of extreme. Fear of….I don’t know….you fill in the blank….

I realize that I’ve asked a lot of challenging questions. Rhetorical? Possibly, but open to discussion. Critical? Yeah, but not intended to be judgmental. Provocative? Hopefully…..well, as in provoking us into taking a critical look at strongly held opinions and provoking discussion, anyway….but not to provoke anger or defensiveness. Our attitude toward the manifestations of the Holy Spirit of God cannot be compared to our attitude toward milk chocolate or dark. THAT is a preference. One can only invite His Holy Spirit…..not control how He comes or what He does when He does manifests Himself. So, the preference is really in whether or not He is invited to manifest Himself in our presence….in how much control we allow Him to have.

One Comment

  1. Very well written Mom! REALLY makes you think!

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