Preying Pastors: Narcissistic Shepherds Who Feed Off the Sheep Rather than Feed Them

Pastors are those whom God calls to lead a congregation, giving of themselves to nurture and care for those entrusted to them. They are like shepherds entrusted with the protection, care, and feeding of sheep. Many are fulfilling their calling in God-honoring ways, creating a culture that is safe, nurturing, …

Healing from betrayal is a painful grieving process

 “I don’t know of any other pain in life that is worse than being betrayed by someone close to you. It changes everything.”(1)  In the span of 9-10 months, I lost two of my closest friends…one to cancer and the other to betrayal. As I journeyed toward healing from the …

When Trust Enables Abuse and Mistreatment

The abuse or mistreatment of other people, whether it’s physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual…be it systemic or individual…relies on something to enable it to continue. A system is in place that allows the offender to continue to abuse one or more victims, and ensures that the offender can find another …

It’s ok to take time to lament before moving to praise

In a moment. Everything crashes. That dream He placed in your heart…that He kept breathing life into when all seemed hopeless….that you sacrificed for…is gone…just like that.  This is where you’ve focused your energies, your time, your resources, your heart and soul….suddenly it slips through your fingers and falls to …