Life is like a jigsaw puzzle….we all have pieces that others need

One morning not long ago, we got side-tracked from our normal(or not so normal) homeschool day. One child got out a jigsaw puzzle that was far too difficult for him to complete unaided. Now, I should have insisted that it wait until the school day was over, but…..I didn’t. So, we all worked in different groups to put it together. Edges were done first obviously, then we worked to fill in the various areas: stone fence, flowers, house, meadow, trees, etc. Like most puzzles, there were pieces that we were certain would fit in one section when they really belonged in another area that looked similar. There were pieces we tried to make fit and they almost did….but not quite. Either there was a slight gap between the edges of the pieces, or the color wasn’t exactly right, or the branches didn’t match perfectly.

Our lives are a lot like picture puzzles…..with a few differences. Jigsaw puzzles have a nice picture on the box of the finished puzzle. We set it on its side-or whatever orientation works-so we can refer to it as we figure out where pieces go. Oh, that life would come with a picture of the completed puzzle that we could refer to as we add pieces, decide which ones we need or don’t need, determine how far this one is from the other one we have, etc. I know we are to all look like Jesus, but we each look like Him in our own individual way. When we all look like Him, we still won’t look like each other. And, neither will my complete puzzle look just like yours. We don’t always know exactly what it will look like when its done. We can’t easily determine which pieces fit where or even if we need that particular piece.

When we buy a jigsaw puzzle, it comes neatly packaged in a box complete with all the pieces we need. We sort out the edges and similar pieces into piles and begin the process of assembling the puzzle. But, life is not like that. For one thing, we start life with a number of pieces already put together. Furthermore, I don’t have all the pieces I need to finish my puzzle. You have some. And….I have some that you might need. We really need each other to add to certain pieces to the picture puzzle that is our lives. We need to be willing to seek out those who might have a piece we need. So, as we go through life, various people begin adding pieces to various sections: family, church, community, school, athletic endeavors, etc. We meet people regularly that add to our puzzle and who have pieces we need: parents, siblings, teachers, friends, youth leaders, pastors, etc.

I’m learning several things about life and puzzle pieces. First, it’s necessary for each of us to know what pieces of the puzzle we have to give to others. We can’t supply all their pieces or even our own, so knowing what piece is ours to give is vital. We take on unnecessary risks if we are uncertain as to our pieces or try to supply pieces we don’t have. We quickly burn out or grow to resent any ministry opportunity that comes our way.

Second, I need to be willing to share my piece of the puzzle. I cannot withhold it from anyone. After all, it wasn’t withheld from me. He gave it to me and He desires that I give it to others. It doesn’t matter that I might be tired….it doesn’t matter that I feel incompetent… doesn’t matter whether or not I think it will fit. It only matters that I share the piece He tells me to share and allow Him control of whether or not it fits. I may have the piece they have been looking for that connects several others they’ve been working with. I also need to remember that you may have a few pieces that I need. So, grace and humility must be evident in the transfer.

Third, just because a certain piece fits so well in my puzzle doesn’t mean it will fit well in yours. The only puzzle piece that fits universally in every puzzle is an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. Beyond that, there is no guarantee that my piece is needed or even desired in your puzzle. I can show it to you….tell you about it….where I got it, but I must not insist you need that particular piece. You also need to accept that the pieces I offer may fit wonderfully…..or they may not. Neither of us should force pieces to fit where they don’t belong. They may almost fit….but not quite. We might convince ourselves that they fit perfectly, when upon close inspection, there’s a gap between the pieces….the color is shade off…..the lines don’t match well….or something we can’t quite describe betrays the ill-fitting puzzle piece. While my puzzle may look similar, even identical, to yours, it’s still different…..the pieces I have may fit beautifully in your puzzle….but they also may not. When we fail to realize this, frustration will dog our attempts to give and receive ministry.

Fourth, if you don’t want my piece of the puzzle, it’s ok. I cannot see this as a rejection whenever someone declines the piece I am offering them. Neither am I rejecting anyone if I do not desire their piece. Just as I cannot supply all the pieces for anyone, neither can I expect everyone to need all of my pieces. If we filter these times through the lens of rejection, we will find ourselves wounded often and ministry becomes something we avoid like a porcupine.

It is so liberating and life-giving to know these things as we reach out and minister to others. Ministering to people then strengthens us rather than draining us. I know what my piece of the puzzle is….the piece that He has given me to share with anyone and everyone who seeks it. But, it is just one piece. It is all I have to offer. You are welcome to have it if you want it. It may very well be the piece you are looking for.

By the way, what pieces do you have that I might need?

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