Feetwashing….and Sozo

The idea I am about to share was really shown to me by my husband. It should have been obvious to me, but it wasn’t and when he told me this thought that came to him, it really resonated with me.

As a Mennonite, we make a practice of symbolically washing one another’s feet. But, for years, I’ve believed we’ve missed the main point Jesus was trying to make. And, last night, that point was driven home to me once again and in a much clearer way.

We know the story. Jesus and the disciples were about to celebrate the Passover. During the supper, Jesus rose and wrapped a towel around his waist. Taking a basin of water, he began to wash the disciples’ feet. That was a servant’s job. The point that we have always taken from this was to be a servant. But, in reality, Jesus could have done a number of jobs to show the disciples the importance of being a servant. Servants normally prepared and served the meals. But, he didn’t do that. He reclined at the table. Servants did the shopping and setting up of the meal, but it seems that the disciples did that. Jesus told them to. Washing feet is far more unpleasant than those jobs. But, there’s another job comes to mind that would have been necessary after they were done, that of emptying the chamber pot. Now, if the message was to be a servant even if it meant doing unpleasant things, this would have been an excellent choice. But, we have no record of him(or anyone else) doing that job. No, he chose a specific task to communicate what He wanted to communicate-that of washing their feet. Washing their feet, and its meaning, was His point. Taking on a servant’s position was the method….and a very crucial part. But, it wasn’t the main point, I don’t believe.

Let’s look into what happened next:

“He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord do you wash my feet?’ Jesus answered him, ‘What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.’ “John 13:6-7

Now, if Jesus wanted to communicate to them to be willing to be a servant, Peter fully understood that. It’s why he objected! He was not willing that his Lord be his servant. HIs words to Jesus were, “You shall never wash my feet.”(Jn 13:8a)

The next exchange is interesting:

“Jesus answered him, ‘If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.’ Simon Peter said to him, ‘Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!'(gotta love Simon) Jesus said to him, ‘The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you.'” Jn 13:8b-10

Simon obviously thought that if having Jesus wash his feet brought about a share with him, then he wanted as much of Jesus that he could get! (Interesting analogy there, as well. He wasn’t too proud to admit he wanted more of Jesus.) He wanted to be washed then…..and all of him. But, Jesus’ reply tells him that he was already clean….it was only his feet that were dirty.

What was His point? We are saved the moment we believe on His name. We have no need to continually get saved again and again. But….we pick up dirt during our travels. Dirt in the form of wounds that we then act out of. Lies that we believe without our full knowledge that affect the way we see the world around us, including Father God. Some of the dirt forms walls around our hearts to protect us from pain. And, a lot of other crud gets picked up and attaches itself to us as we go through life.

When our feet haven’t been washed, we track it everywhere we go. Often, that dirt gets on others that are around us. So, we take on a servant’s heart and position and help wash off the dirt. And, that’s exactly what happens in a Sozo session.

Sozo????? Sozo is the Greek word that means, “to save, to heal, to deliver”. It is also  translated “to make well”. It is a Spirit-led prayer ministry that helps a person connect with Father God who can then heal wounds, reveal lies, speak truth, tear down walls, etc. Basically….to wash off the dirt that’s been picked up during one’s travels through life. It brings amazing freedom, healing and victory! I am not exaggerating when I say that the ministry of Sozo has the greatest potential to transform lives after the cross.

Do you find yourself struggling with fear and anxiety that no amount of meditating on scripture seems to help? Is it difficult for you to get close to others? Are you often angry? Is Father God’s voice distant, unclear or….nonexistent? Is there a certain sin that you cannot have victory over despite your most valiant efforts? Are you longing to know…really know….and hear…..how much God loves you?

You don’t need a bath. You are clean. You only need to wash your feet….and Sozo can help with that!

One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Cool! You are so right in that we have missed the point! Thanks for sharing. I like reading updates from your blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

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