Luke’s Gospel, the Gospel for Women

Luke’s gospel stands out from the others because of his frequent representation of women. He highlights and elevates women in a way that does not compromise the message of the gospel but is an expression that men and women work side-by-side as equals in the Kingdom.

When Trust Enables Abuse and Mistreatment

The abuse or mistreatment of other people, whether it’s physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual…be it systemic or individual…relies on something to enable it to continue. A system is in place that allows the offender to continue to abuse one or more victims, and ensures that the offender can find another …

It’s ok to take time to lament before moving to praise

In a moment. Everything crashes. That dream He placed in your heart…that He kept breathing life into when all seemed hopeless….that you sacrificed for…is gone…just like that.  This is where you’ve focused your energies, your time, your resources, your heart and soul….suddenly it slips through your fingers and falls to …

New Covenant Prophetic Ministry: What’s the Big Deal?

“Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.”  Paul tells us to earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. The Greek word translated “earnestly desire” is ‘zeloo.’ “Zeloo” is an onomatopoetic word, imitating the sound for boiling water. The implication is to …