Biblical support for Christian Egalitarianism: Equality in Eden

A healthy biblical theology about gender, and the role of women in specific, must begin at creation. It is in the story of creation where we develop an understanding of the purpose of mankind and genders. Those who would support a hierarchy of the genders point to the creation order …

The Apostle Paul: Misogynist or Champion of Gender Equality?

Most of us readily see Jesus’ countercultural treatment of women and how He elevated women in His interactions with them and in His teachings. We recognize that He often confronted the social norms and beliefs concerning women so prevalent in His day. And then comes Paul whose teachings have a …

Biblical Support for Egalitarianism: A Slave Woman and 5 Fatherless Daughters

Privilege. It’s a word frequently bandied about today in our society and refers to a “special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.” In ancient Israel, Jewish freeborn men were the only ones who enjoyed privilege. Slaves and women had few, …