A Confession–YES! I am looking for an experience!

Whenever the Holy Spirit falls on a person, a church or a community, it is inevitable that one of the very first warnings, a.k.a, accusations, is that it’s all about experience. That the person, or group, is simply looking for an experience, as if desiring an experience with Jesus is somehow evil or wrong. Well, I have a confession to make….I am desiring a continued experience with my Savior! Every day, I expect an experience with Him! An exciting experience that will blow my mind! It is one of my first prayers when I awake every morning. But, you know what? Jesus prayed that we would experience Him, so I’m only expecting an answer to a prayer that was prayed by the Son of God Himself!

Oh, really?? Jesus prayed that we would have an experience??? YES! John 17 records a prayer that Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. V. 3 says, “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” That word know means to experience, to feel, to perceive. It is the exact same word used when Matthew tells us that Joseph knew not his wife until she had brought forth her son! One of Jesus’ final prayers what that you and I would experience Him!! That our knowledge of Him would go far deeper than simply a head knowledge! It’s what He died for! I’m not going to waste His suffering by looking for or expecting anything less than a fulfilling experience with Him.

So, I don’t apologize for daily desiring an experience with Papa. Now, do I desire and experience devoid of Him? Absolutely not! I simply know that I cannot truly know Him unless I experience Him. In reality, what could be more assuring or exciting that to expect something from someone who has already prayed that you would receive it?!

Another warning(accusation) is that one is seeking the gifts. Hmmmm….well….God told us to seek the gifts….earnestly….to covet them. So….if I am seeking something that God has told me to earnestly covet….am I really doing something wrong? Yes! I am seeking any gift my Heavenly Father desire to give me. If He tells me to earnestly covet something He has, then I will earnestly covet that. Am I desiring the gift more than the giver? No, I’m simply seeking something He has already told me He wants me to have.

Are you looking for an experience? Keep looking, being certain that it is an experience with Jesus you are looking for, not an experience in itself. After all, He’s already prayed that you would have it. Desiring certain gifts? Keep on desiring even to the point of coveting. God wants you to have it…but He wants you to earnestly desire it. When we are desiring what He desires and praying for things He has prayed for, we cannot go wrong….and…He will answer!

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