Movies are like a box of delicious chocolates….from the enemy

I’m coming to realize that I have a very warped view of movies….at least in this culture. You see, I view movies like a box of chocolates. There’s a lot of variety, some are tasty, others not so. Some are very much to my liking, others….blech! I don’t care for them because they’re not my type. Sound very counter-culture? No, probably not. So, how is my view warped?

Well, I firmly believe that this box of chocolates was made for me….and given to me… my enemy who is out to destroy my soul. Yes, I believe that Hollywood is under the rule of the enemy. And, furthermore, I believe that the box of chocolates is laced with varying amounts of poison….not all of them, mind you, just most of them….say about 90%. So, what do I do with a box of chocolates made and given to me by my enemy and knowing they are laced with poison?

I look for another box. Yes, I don’t believe it’s worth taking the risk. So, I have probably seen-in the theater-about a dozen movies in 30+ years. Close to 1/2 of them were obviously Christian like Fireproof or Courageous. Most of the others have a solid Biblical message or worldview.

Something usually happens when one first opens that box. The chocolates with the most amount of poison look and smell a little different than the others. But, there are a number of them with a little bit of poison that is nearly undetectable. It is these that slowly accustom one’s tastebuds to the poison, so after repeated exposure, the chocolates that first looked and smelled a little different….no longer do. It’s sad that some can choose any chocolate they like and not even taste the poison.

So, I figured, at the ripe old age of 16, that I gained little if anything by watching a lot of movies, or any, for that matter…..and I stood to risk a great deal. I didn’t much like the idea of ingesting poison….even in small amounts….over the rest of my lifetime. Whatever good could be gleaned from a movie, can easily be gotten elsewhere without the risk.

What poisons are in nearly all movies?
1) Desensitization to violence, sexuality and profanity. The more one is exposed to any of these, the less repulsive or even sinful they become in their mind’s eye. Their soul is desensitized to sin. I find it so ironic that a book written to expose the dangers of violence for entertainment, and the voyeurism that it entails, goes to the big screen thereby proving its point-people love to watch violence for entertainment-and defeating its purpose-people see nothing wrong with loving to watch violence for entertainment. The fact that people are flocking to see it and describing it as “awesome”, “fantastic” shows that it really didn’t tell the message it wanted to very effectively. Otherwise, it would have been described as “disturbing”, “frightening”, etc. Also, profanity will often become a part of one’s vocabulary simply through watching movies that are laced with it. Hearing it frequently disposes one to saying it.

2) Unbiblical lifestyles and choices are often made appealing to the point that one watching finds themselves desiring something in the movie that would be unbiblical or sinful in real life. Or, they find themselves sympathizing with one who is engaged in an unbiblical lifestyle and suffering the consequences of it. And, it all depends on how the producer/director chooses to show it. If he/she has a biblical worldview, it generally will come across that viewers will see that it’s wrong. But, if he/she has an unbiblical worldview, it is presented in such a way that many Christians will sympathize or even begin to doubt whether or not it’s really wrong.
And, it’s justified because after all, “it’s just a movie”.

3) Biblical lifestyles and choices are ridiculed. The role of a father is rarely portrayed as positive. Women are portrayed as sexual tigers and brave warriors, at the same time(ever wonder how those women can do those stunts while dressed in tight, short dresses?). Children are usually portrayed as being more intelligent than their parents, even at times needing to take on a parent’s role because the parent is either selfish, cowardly, corrupt or some other reason. Pastors and bible teachers are portrayed as woefully inept and prudish. And, so what happens is, this combined with the poison above, creates within us a lie that we believe without fully recognizing it: the Bible is NOT compatible with real life and we segment our “Christian” thought and life from the rest of life.

4) What happens to the brain during the simply activity of watching a movie. While reading a book, the mind is engaged, critically thinking and stimulated. There is constant “firings” between neurons and such. It also involves both left- and right-brained activity. When reading violence, profanity or sexual content, the spirit revolts much more quickly. I’ve had my children hand me a book they had been reading saying they shouldn’t read it because of the language. But, they don’t recognize that same language in a movie.

OTOH, while watching a movie, the mind is disengaged with very little brain activity. There is less healthy stimulation. The left-brained is not utilized, which decreases critical thinking and analysis. The mind basically becomes more like a sponge, soaking up whatever is poured out. In the beginning, when viewing violence, profanity or sexual content, the spirit will revolt, but eventually will begin to enjoy it.

So, all in all, I prefer to not ingest anything the enemy of my soul thinks I will enjoy. Chocolates or Turkish Delight? I think I’ll pass. I can’t trust him.

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