Root canal….then worship

I was on my way home from a root canal, still numb, when I found myself in the middle of an amazing worship time. Singing with half the mouth numb makes one sound like Syd on Ice Age, but, oh well. Papa didn’t care….He had one thing on His mind that He wanted me to know. He loved me! I am safe from any designs against me!

“We’ve only glimpsed, His vast affection
Heard whispers of, His heart and passion
It’s pouring out…
His love is deep, His love is wide
And it covers us”

I’m covered by His love….drowning in it. No one…..nothing can touch me or harm me.  Ever noticed how words sound garbled when you’re underwater? Well, when I’m drowning in His love, words that could harm me have little effect….they become garbled.

“Your goodness knows no bounds
Your goodness never stops
Your mercy follows me
Your kindness fills my life
Your Love amazes me”

 He is so good…..incredibly good! I marvel at His amazing love!

“Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
Lord I’m forever Yours
Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours”

I’m His….no one can snatch me away from Him. And, if I am His, He will take care of me. I need not fear. I kinda wanted to get out of the car and stand in the median and simply worship….and chuckled at the bewilderment other drivers would have….I didn’t because I was at a red light and didn’t want to hold up traffic. 🙂

 We’re falling into deeper waters, calling out to you

Here I pictured myself like Edmond in the castle trapped by his enemy who had their crossbows drawn. He peered over his shoulder, smiled and fell backward…..onto an eagle. In the same way, when I am trapped by my enemy who has his bow drawn, arrow at my weakness, I can relax, smile and fall backward into the deep waters of Papa’s love and grace.

The day ended with this song:

I know Who goes before me 
I know Who stands behind 
The God of angel armies is always by my side 
The One who reigns forever 
He is a Friend of mine 
The God of angel armies is always by my side

 Needless to say, it was a good day! Our God is a good God, full of love, mercy and grace that is always available to us. 

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