We all need to be self-feeders

Once upon a time, I ground our own wheat to make homemade bread. I believed it was healthier for my family. Then, I read that the only bread that was healthy was that which was made from sprouted grains. It made the nutrients more accessible. Then, I learned that bread was not healthy in any way. Then, more recently, I read an article that stated that it was not necessary to sprout grains…that it was just as healthy or healthier to make bread from non-sprouted grain. Oyyyy….it gets confusing. Every few years, a new way of eating is introduced that is allegedly far more healthy than the previous fad, oops, way of eating. After a while, one just gives up trying to figure out which is the healthiest way to eat and chooses what seems right to them.

Years ago, when I was young, The Late Great Planet Earth, was released and the end was so near. I can’t remember who was the anti-christ then, but it soon became evident that the anti-christ was actually the pope. The Soviet Union was Gog or Magog. Every major political figure had a certain place in the book of Revelation. But, the world went on and 4 decades have passed since then. Then, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will be in 1988 got everyone in a furor. But, 1988 came and went with no rapture. Then, oh the hoopla over Y2K! Surely, Jesus was going to return before this apocalyptic event!  And here we are 14 years after that and the world is still spinning.  We hear of pre-mil, post-mil, a-mil…..pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. All sorts of theories and doctrines related to eschatology. Oyyyy…it gets confusing. Every few years a new apocalyptic book or movie is in the headlines that introduces or emphasizes a updated end-time view than the previous fad, oops, teaching. After a while, one just gives up trying to figure out which is the biblical view of the end-times and chooses what sounds right to them, figuring it’ll all work out in the end.

We look around and see so many interpretations of this scripture and that one.  We have hundreds of denominations and persuasions in the United States alone. In addition, there are countless non-denominational congregations. Many of these groups profess to follow the Bible more accurately. Some are so bold as to say, “The reason I go to this church is because they follow the Bible better than any other.” Talk with one person and women are to be silent in the church….they can’t share a testimony or speak a work. Then, someone else has a female pastor. Some believe it’s our duty to protect our country; others think is unbiblical. 1000s of different interpretations of scriptures all convincing to the average believer. Oyyyy….it gets confusing. Every time you think you know what you believe, someone else speaks convincingly of their belief. Another preacher or teacher brings a message that is far more true to the original writings than the previous fad, oops, message. After a while, we give up believing we can truly understand the scriptures and choose what seems right to us at the time. We also may end up at one of two extremes: tossed by every wave of doctrine…..or staunchly clinging to our way of thinking, unable to consider that we are anything but right.

Unfortunately, when it comes to our knowledge of what the Bible teaches, we can’t afford to give up and just choose what seems right. And, there’s no reason for that response. We CAN know and understand–for ourselves–what His word teaches. The Bible is more accessible to us than at any other time of history. Study tools are available with the click of a mouse. The truth is most Christians only read the Bible devotionally. Some may study it for a certain purpose…a Sunday School lesson, small group meeting, or a college paper. Sadly, very few truly study the Word in a systematic fashion.  And, so we leave it up to our pastors, teachers, authors and theologians to figure out what the Word says and then we pick and choose whose teaching we like best.

It’s time we all became self-feeders. Stop relying on your pastor or your Sunday School teacher to study, digest and regurgitate the Word.

You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word.” Heb. 5:12 NLT

You may think you aren’t smart enough, but remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:

“O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who t hink themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way!” Matt. 11:25-26 NLT

It doesn’t take long for the reader of the New Testament to realize that the truths Jesus was teaching was being understood more fully by the fishermen, carpenters and common folk than it was by the Pharisees, priests, and teachers of the law. He wants to reveal Himself to YOU….through His Word, not through your pastor’s sermon. If we want to be stedfast in our faith, it is incumbent that we understand, for ourselves, what His word teaches. If we want to be ready to give a word in time of testing, time of need, or when asked, we need to know what His word says. We can’t rely on what Dr. Dobson, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, Beth Moore, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, or any other noted church leader, says. They, as well as others, can help us in our understanding. But, we shouldn’t rely on their study, but develop our own habits of study. Give yourself permission to believe something different than others believe, if that is what the Holy Spirit is teaching you. Your knowledge may be incomplete, yes. But, it may be dead on and the other’s understanding is incomplete.

Often in our school day, one of my children will ask, “Mom, I don’t understand this. Can you help me?” Sometimes I can help them see where they are stuck. But there are times I simply respond with, “If I help  you, I need to read it, think about it, synthesize it and the give it to you. And chances are, if I do that, I will remember the lesson far more than you will. Why don’t we skip that step and YOU read it, think about it, and synthesize it so you’ll remember it.” Let’s apply that to our Bible readings. Rather than rely on someone else to read it, study it, meditate on it and synthesize it then teach it to  you, YOU read it, study it, meditate on it, and synthesize it. I guarantee you’ll remember far more when you do. Trust the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read, meditate and study His Word. You have the best chance of passing any test if you have studied the material yourself.

Become a self-feeder.
Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
Don’t be threatened or arrogant when your interpretation differs from that of another.
Then, you will no longer need to worry about what you will say or how you will answer, but you will be able to “say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.” Mk. 13:11

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